由中华口腔医学会儿童口腔医学专业委员会主办,第四军医大学口腔医学院承办的“第七次全国儿童口腔医学学术大会”定于2012年6月28-29日在西安古都新世界大酒店召开;由陕西省口腔医学会主办,第四军医大学口腔医学院承办的“第一次西安国际儿童口腔医学学术研讨会”于2012年6月30日在西安古都新世界大酒店召开,现开始征文、注册工作。【征文内容】1.儿童龋病、牙髓病、根尖周病的临床和基础研究。2.儿童牙齿外伤的临床和基础研究。3.儿童牙、颌、面生长发育及咬合诱导。4. 牙齿再生与干细胞方面的研究。5.儿童口腔疾病的流行病学及控制方法的研究。6.儿童口腔治疗中的行为管理和口腔镇静、镇痛技术。7. 儿童口腔遗传病相关研究。8.儿童口腔疾病的诊疗护理及配合。【来稿要求】与征文内容相符并未公开发表的论文均可投稿,国内会稿件需提供目的、方法、结果、结论四段式中英文摘要。除文题、作者单位姓名及通讯地址外,总字数控制在800字以内(中英文合计);国际会英文摘要按照实验研究格式(Aim,Design,Results,Conclusions)或病例报道格式(Introduction,Case Reports,Comments)总字数控制在250单词以内。国内会截稿日期:2012年4月25日;国际会投稿截止日期2012年6月1日。【投稿方式】1. 推荐使用网络投稿,请登录大会网站www. 2012pd.com;或以附件形式发送至:pdchina2012@hotmail.com 2. 稿件邮寄地址:陕西省西安市长乐西路145号第四军医大学口腔医院儿童口腔科 邮编:710032来稿将在审稿会后发出通知,告知投稿者论文报告形式,包括口头发言(仅限国内会议),壁报交流,论文交流等。
看看美国儿牙同行的研究计划内容吧,人家是紧贴临床需要啊,医生就是要解决临床问题,不光是治疗问题,切实可行,需要,必须!感觉我们一窝蜂搞牙髓生物学,干细胞组织工程,虽然理想美好,可是实现起来太不容易,最终变成水中捞月,纸上谈兵。以下摘自美国儿童牙科学会。2010-11 AAPDResearch AgendaThese topics are listed in descending order of priority:(以下优先权降序排列) 1. Transmission, etiology, risk assessment, early detection, prevention and management of caries using antimicrobials, fluorides, and remineralizing agents. 2. Disparities and barriers to accessing dental care including evaluation of different oral health care delivery systems. 3. Efficacy and effectiveness of infant oral health promotion (ie, first dental visit by 12 months) including examining the interface between dentistry and medicine. 4. Salivary diagnostics, genetics and proteomics. 5. Examination of pulp treatment and restorative materials in -cluding: pulp biology, efficacy and biocompatibility of pulp treatment and restorative materials. 6. Non-pharmacologic behavior management approaches. 7. Safe and effective sedative and analgesic agents for pain and anxiety control. 8. Specific (immunity, genetics) and non-specific host factors in the etiology and prevention of oral diseases. 9. Prevention, diagnosis and management of dental trauma in children.10. Etiology, detection, prevention and management of lo- calized or generalized aggressive periodontitis
通常情况下,儿童看牙大哭后脸上有红点,可能是压力性紫癜所导致的,一般可以通过调整饮食、不处理观察等方式进行缓解。 压力性紫癜:一般是因为儿童脸部毛细血管较为脆弱,在大哭时可能会使毛细血管通透性增加,使其破裂,引起皮下出血的情况,通常可能伴有针尖大小到瘀点或瘀斑。建议应当适当的调整饮食习惯,多给小孩食用一些富含维生素和纤维素的蔬菜水果,促进毛细血管的修复,缓解脸上有红点的症状。
患者: 我最近发现小孩口腔牙齿左右都被虫吃过留下的洞。还没有去医院看。我就想知道这样要紧吗。我应该让小孩注意什么? 小孩4岁了,我就想知道这样小孩的牙齿要紧吗。我应该注意什么。我家小孩很怕去医院。第四军医大学口腔医院儿童齿科邢向辉:您好!请一定重视孩子的牙齿健康,不要等到疼痛肿胀了才来医院,常规需要6个月复查一下牙齿。如果出现龋齿,需要及早治疗,早期治疗好处多:简单,无痛苦,费用低,效果好。发展严重了就会出现感染,疼痛,影响口腔发育甚至全身健康,请一定不要再抱着“乳牙要换掉所以无所谓”的错误思想,要给孩子一个正确的口腔习惯,全面的健康素质,就要从口腔,牙齿做起。
患者:病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等): 儿童十二岁,一大牙没换过,但蛀牙已有一半,从没牙疼过。今天去看牙科医生,医生说是六龄牙,不换的,需补牙,而且需拔掉牙神经才能补。 没治疗过 请问:拔掉牙神经对儿童有影响吗? 不拔掉牙神经直接补牙可以吗?第四军医大学口腔医院儿童齿科邢向辉:您好!六龄齿属于恒牙,必须引起重视。根据描述,应该是涉及到了牙髓感染或者坏死或者根尖周炎,虽然牙齿没有疼痛,也是必须进行牙髓治疗如根管治疗术,才可以保留的。一般来讲成功的根管治疗术可以完好的治疗牙齿感染,不会明显影响牙齿的使用,当然没有牙髓后牙齿会变得脆性增大,容易折裂,使用时需要注意不要咬硬物,必要时可以做一个牙冠进行保护。
M. Evangeline Jordon, pioneer in pedodontics.Loevy HT, Kowitz AA.AbstractAt a time when little attention was paid to the care of children's teeth, Evangeline Jordon pioneered new techniques and laid the groundwork for what became the dental specialty, Pedodontia. Jordon went to college and became an elementary school teacher in 1885. By 1897, dissatisfied with her life as teacher and as a result of her work as a dental assistant during summer vacations, she enrolled at the University of California and graduated in dentistry in 1898. Immediately after graduation, Jordon became involved in organized dentistry and in 1901 was elected 2nd vice -president of the Southern California Dental Association. In 1901 she developed a lecture course on "Care of Children's Teeth," started a clinic at the Orphan's Home, and later also became responsible for the development of a clinic for children at the School of Dentistry at the University of California. By 1909 she had limited her practice to children and started publishing papers on dental treatment of children. In 1924 she published the first book in English on pediatric dentistry. She was one of the founders of the Federation of American Women Dentists and was active in the founding of the American Society of Dentistry for Children. She recognized the problem of nursing bottle caries and the need for the psychological training for dentists treating children. Jordon paved the way for much of our progress in pediatric dentistry. She is an example of what can be accomplished if there is a vision, a desire to serve and recognition of the needs of children.J Hist Dent. 2006 Spring;54(1):3-8.